Thursday, May 13, 2010

Amman, Jordan

There must be a baby convention in Amman this weekend because there were like, 32 of them on my flight into Amman. Good news though, no 8 hour delay this week.

I didn't see a great deal of Jordan this evening. I took a cab for about 45 minutes from the airport to the hotel on the Dead Sea. I did see moderate poverty in the form of numerous abandoned or dilapidated buildings and a number of closed shops. Jordan doesn't possess the natural resources of other countries in the region and at least from what I have seen, it is evident outside of Amman. That said, Jordan has experienced ~10 years of substantial economic growth. The new King (Abdullah II*) is economically progressive and has made Jordan one of the freest and most competitive economies in the region. Jordan's economy has been growing at a rate of 7% over the last decade, no small feet.

The beach was closed by the time I arrived at the hotel. I had dinner on the patio overlooking the Sea.

I am learning quickly not to order a martini in the Middle East. They do a lot of things well here, martinis aren't one of them.

On that note, I tried a Jordanian red wine...and I think it might have been carbonated.

My lack of planning bit me tonight. Hertz (which has an office on the resort complex) can't get a car here by the morning. I probably should have called in advance. Anyway, I've hired a driver instead, which is more a lot. BUT! I am going to Petra in the morning no matter what. Pick up is at 745. Time for bed.

*While King Abdullah has done well with the Jordanian economy, he's doing ok in his personal life as Queen Rania...

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